To make something special you just have to believe it's SPECIAL.
"Quote from Kung Fu Panda Movie"
Yes, I do believe, to make something better, we need to be a better person.
In short, to make something great or SPECIAL, we have to believe it, do it and just be ourselves.
Trust me, we need courage to make it real,
You have to realize you are worth.
Nobody care about what you do BUT YOU.
S - SINCERE - tulus, tanpa mengada-ada, apa adanya
P - PROMINENT - terkemuka, populer, menonjol
E - ELEGANT - ga murahan
C - CREATIVE - menjadi seorang yang kreatif
I - INDEPENDENT - menjadi pribadi yang mandiri, bisa menjadi dirinya sendiri, mampu berkarya
A - ABILITY - kecakapan / bakat, kemampuan
L - LOVABLE - yang menimbulkan rasa sayang, seseorang yang memikat, auranya menyenangkan
Sometimes, people need to be brave to make their dream become real.
We have to be out of the box, Think creative!
People have to move out from their comfort zone.
Because the comfort zone, make you (people) something flat, not growing as what can do more.
We need to chase those dreams, keep dreaming !
DON'T STOP! Keep moving forward, never stop learning.
Kandinda lagi galow yah.. nulis seiprit tapi nonjok. Buat si dia ya
Hha, bukan teh.
HapusCuma buat utk reminder /notes for ourselves.
Everybody's special.
WE have tO believe it. Because God create something for a certain purpose.
SPECIAL ya mbak? pake telor berapa? saya mau juga dapet yang special deh
BalasHapusMaka nya jd spesial . Apapun itu mw telor, tempe atau tahu yang penting minuman nya yg special ajaa deh !