It had been conducted by UNHCR Indonesia and made collaboration with MetroTV.
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Souce: my internal image - Usher for Voice of Refugees 2016 |
I was assigned to assist to welcome all guests included several Embassy officers such as Madam Noor Traavik - wife of Norway Ambassador for Indonesia, Australian, and Singaporean Embassy officers and Excellent Diplomatic officer.
VOICE OF REFUGEES 2016 is the program of UNCHR Indonesia. It had been held at Ciputra ArtPreneur Space on 13th Floor of Ciputra World Building.
VOICE OF REFUGEES 2016 is a charity concert to raise several funds to help the refugees around the world.
Thomas Vargas has conducted this event and invite all participant and volunteer to join his event. Thomas Vargas is UNHCR Representative in Indonesia.
Rory Asyari & Nadya Hutagalung has assigened to be Host and Co-Host for this event.
There were several video from UNHCR. They are Jung Woosung as Goodwill Ambassador of UNCHR, Refugees Worldwide, Help Our Childeren and Global Shelter Campaign.
One of great moment when Tahir " the founder of Tahir Foundation" had given his speech at that moment.
Mr. Tahir had rejected the chance to give speech at USA at New York on that night, he just made his existence to join and attend Voice of Refugees 2016 event instead of going to USA.
A lot of public figures had taken part to support this great moment. Raline Shah, Ario Bayu, Joe Taslim had performance for giving some words and Voice for refugees in their poetry. Besides, Gita Gutawa, Cakra Khan, Kafin, The Brothers and Elfa Secioria Children Choir had sung the songs for refugees theme. And also a great lady "Vina Candrawati" had taken part to draw several awesome picture with the sand.
It was awesome.
Tahir Foundation gave donation for USD$ 2 Million through UNHCR to help the refugees. Mr. Tahir said that I never seen people will be broke when they do the social services. Tonight, If you want to give your funds, BELIEVE ME, IT WAS A PLEASURE FOR YOURSELF"
You guys (all bloggers) can give your donation to UNHCR Indonesia at least to support this project. You can donate for 5 USD at minimum donation, 10 USD, 20 USD , 100 USD, 150 USD until 500 USD .
or you probably find this project at or
These collected funds will be useful and shared to fulfill the basic need of refugees for their health, education, and social services.
And all performers had taken photo in the end of the event. You can re-watch the event at MetroTv on Septh, It will be aired by MetroTv .
I am so glad to share this event because we can contribute and change world by using our heart and trying to help others whenever we can, learn from other experience, and doing the good thing
Thank you and Keep Making contribution to the world.
Happy Volunteer .
DICLAIMER: I wrote this sharing is not intended to the other party or promote something, I just share that we as people, human being can share our knowledge, give a hand or help people who need the help.
FYI, VOICE OF REFUGEES 2016 adalah Konser Akbar penggalangan dana untuk para pengungsi yang ada di Indonesia maupun luar negri. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk membantu dan memberitahukan khalayak ramai masih banyak yang bisa kita bantu, kita harus peduli pada lingkungan kita.
Kita tidak boleh membeda-bedakan ras, suku, agama atau apapun. Kalau kita bisa menolong dengan tangan kita sendiri, kenapa harus menunggu, atau bertanya. JUST TAKE ACTION, DO MORE, and be KIND.
Wow, good luck buat acaranya ini ya, kaaakkk. :D
BalasHapusAcara yang sangat bagus. Dunia sedang dilanda kekacauan, banyak pengungsi khususnya di negara negara sumber konflik. dan banyak sekali anak-anak yang menjadi korban. Mantap Mba :)
BalasHapusMr. Tahir sangat menginspirasi saya, He declined the opportunity to give a speech in the United States and prefer to be in the voice of refugees, 2016.
BalasHapusDan ya, kita harus mempertahankan Kegiatan-kegiatan amal seperti ini.